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Part 16

Pradyumna dasa Pradyumna dasa was first initiated in 1967 and was trained as a Sanskrit translator and thus traveled with His Divine grace throughout the world.
Bhakti Thirtha Swami Bhakti Tirtha Swami's first engagement in serving Srila Prabhupada was distributing sets of Srila Prabhupada's books to libraries and universities throughout the world, including those behind the Iron Curtain.
Ambarish dasa Ambarish dasa, the great grandson of Henry Ford, received many instruction from Srila Prabhupada and was instrumental in obtaining the Honolulu temple and the Fisher Mansion in Detroit.
Tamal Krishna Goswami Tamal Krishna Goswami joined ISKCON in 1967 and served as Srila Prabhupada's personal secretary and thus accompanied His Divine Grace on his world travels. Tamal Krishna Goswami left his body in March 2002 and is buried in his samadhi in Mayapur India.
Color DVD with Hard Case Running Time: 120 Minutes phone order
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Part 17

1996 Melbourne Reunion Devotees 1996 Melbourne Reunion. Devotees from all over Australia came to Melbourne in June of 1996 for the "Reunion" weekend. During that weekend the following devotees gave their stories of personal association with His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami.
Ramai Swami Ambika dasi, Amogha dasa, Hari Sauri dasa, Krsna Premi dasi, Kurma dasa, Narahari dasa, Ram Prasad dasa, Ramai Swami, Rasarani dasi, Svayambhu dasa, Yasomatinandana dasa.
Color DVD with Hard Case Running Time: 90 Minutes phone order
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Part 18

Dina Bandhu dasa Dina Bandhu dasa joined the Hare Krsna Movement in 1969 and was initiated in 1970 in Los Angeles. He became temple president of Houston and Portland.
Bhavananda dasa Bhavananda dasa first saw Srila Prabhupada in 1969 in Los Angeles and immediately joined his movement. He later became one of the leaders for the Mayapur Project and served as Srila Prabhupada's personal servant.
Puskara dasa Puskara dasa was initiated in 1971 in New York and became one of Srila Prabhupada's foremost artists. Puskara dasa had the opportunity to be with His Divine Grace in India as well as America.
Yogesvara dasa Yogesvara dasa was initiated in London in 1970 and headed the French BBT, became the temple president in Paris and Philadelphia and was editor for the BTG.
Color DVD with Hard Case Running Time: 100 Minutes phone order
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