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Part 79

part 79
Sivananda Das, Sahadevi Devi Dasi, Prafulla Devi Dasi, Locanananda Das, Janaki Devi Dasi (USA), Krishnanandini Devi Dasi, Krishna Bhamini Devi Dasi, Keshava Bharati Das Goswami, Karnamrita Das, Jagat Purusa Das, Cinmayi Devi Dasi, Jadurani Devi Dasi, Batu Gopal Das, Bhusaya Das and Bhakta Das retell their memories of His Divine Grace along with their realizations.
Color DVD with Hard Case Running Time: 87 Minutes phone order
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Part 80

part 80
Bhagavan das, who joined Srila Prabhupada's movement early on, reflects on his association with His Divine Grace.
Color DVD with Hard Case Running Time: 74 Minutes phone order
US Orders $14.95 add to cart
World Orders $24.95 add to cart
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Part 81

part 81 part 81 part 81
These collections of devotees from France (from top to bottom and left to right - Rama das, Prakashatma das, Maharsi das, Jiva devi dasi, Indriya Damana das, Gopaswami das, Bhakti Gauravani Goswami, Aristanasana das, Adishekhar das, Svarupananda das and Gauracandra das) give some unique perspective of Srila Prabhupada on his tour of Europe.
Color DVD with Hard Case Running Time: 85 Minutes phone order
US Orders $14.95 add to cart
World Orders $24.95 add to cart
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