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Volume 6 Memories Book

book Volume 6 was four years in the making and includes the transcriptions from parts #81-98. Over 80 devotees and 575 unique stories.
Soft Bound, Over 375 Pages   phone order
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Volume 5 Memories Book

book Volume 5 was five years in the making and includes the transcriptions from parts #61-80. This collection of oral histories features 108 devotees such as Mukunda Goswami, Jananivas, Srutakirti, Gopal Krsna Goswami, Bhakti Caitanya Swami, Cinmayi, Bhaktimarga Swami, Manjuali, Mohanasini, Garuda, Swarup, Ranchor, Sripati, Mondakini, Kishor, Kishori, Harikesa, Bhurijana, Janaki, Jadurani, Janananda Swami, Bhakta das, Bhagavan and Krsna Bhamini to name a few. There are 700 individual and unique stories to relish every day!
Soft Bound, Over 520 Pages   phone order
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Volume 4 Memories Book

book Volume 4 in the "Memories" series contains 15 chapters of incredible nectar in the form of instructions and inspirational stories about His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami. The book, covering the transcriptions from part 46 to 60, is a definite page-turner and is guaranteed to enliven every reader. Enjoy!
Soft Bound, Over 400 Pages   phone order
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Volume 3 Memories Book

book Volume 3 This third volume in the "Memories Anecdotes of a Modern-Day Saint" takes us from part 29 through part 45 in the DVD series. (See our website for the list of devotees). Each chapter contains photos of each devotee so we can attach a face with each story. We guarantee every reader to be thoroughly enlivened and inspired in their devotional service to Srila Prabhupada.
Soft Bound 420 Pages   phone order
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Volume 2 Memories Book

book 2 Volume 2 During the 25th Anniversary of the Disappearance of Srila Prabhupada, Mother Prasanti described that day as her favorite day of the year because that is when stories about His Divine Grace are told. As in the early days when a devotee would return from being with Srila Prabhupada and everyone would gather around wanting to hear the nectar from his or her association with the pure devotee, so it is now that we have the chance to hear from all those devotees in Volume 2 of “Memories-Anecdotes of a Modern Day Saint”.
Soft Bound 386 Pages   phone order
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Volume 1 Memories Book

book 1 Volume 1 Memories - Anecdotes of a Modern Day Saint is a transcription of all the oral histories contained within the Memories video series. Now instead of fast forwarding to that memorable story that you want to retell to someone, you can now just turn to the page for the exact quote. Contained within Volume 1 are the interviews from Part 1 through Part 15. Both Volume 1 and 2 include photos of every devotee who shares their memories as well as never before seen color photos of Srila Prabhupada with his disciples.
Soft Bound 425 Pages   phone order
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